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NewsMan Pro v2.7.0.7

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NewsMan Pro v2.7.0.7
NewsMan Pro v2.7.0.7 英文零售版(新聞閱讀器軟體)

Newsman Pro is a useful utility and multi-threaded newsreader
that can fully support all Usenet text and binary newsgroups.
Handles multiple servers seamlessly using server priorities
and/or as discrete "private" news servers.

Uses "virtual groups" for newsgroup subscription allowing you to
browse related newsgroups simultaneously. Unique expiration-based
Queue ensures that requested articles are retrieved in a timely

The Queue has 9 levels of priority. Powerful user-defined
filtering, Automation, Scheduling and NZB support make this
newsreader a valuable addition to your Internet tools.


Clean, easy to use interface
Top-rated interface with full support for text AND binary
newsgroups. Designed not only to be good-looking, but also to
make browsing and downloading from Usenet easy and enjoyable.
Comes with eight different Themes and is also designed to work
well with third-party skinning programs like StyleXP and

Full support for text and binary newsgroups
If you've used Agent or Dialog, you'll feel right at home with
Newsman Pro. Read text newsgroups effortlessly and store
articles as long as you want in the database for fast search
and retrieval. Newsman also fully supports binary newsgroups
and decodes Mime, UUE and yEnc encoded messages in a separate
background thread to minimize CPU usage. The yEnc decoder used
by Newsman is directly from yEnc.org and is extremely fast and
well optimized. B-News articles are recognized by Newsman and
attached *.bn files are saved ready to decode with your
favorite Bommanews decoder. Incomplete articles are also fully
supported and it is easy to see messages that have received new
segments that can be downloaded and added to already retrieved

Multiple Server Support
True multi-server support gives you the ability to download
headers from your best, most complete news server and download
articles from any servers that you have access to. Servers can
be prioritized so that article bodies are downloaded from your
least expensive server first (for example). In addition, if you
exclude a server from the priority list, Newsman treats it like
a "private server" where headers and articles are processed
only through that server. Prioritized servers can be "pooled"
into each server priority level and Newsman Pro will treat all
of the pooled servers as one large server. Supports encrypted
SSL connections to news servers that provide SSL access.

Full support for NZB files
NZB files (www.newzbin.com ) save you time by allowing you to
download binaries without retrieving headers. Newsman Pro gives
you full support for NZB files by allowing you to import
multiple files at once within the program. NZB messages are
placed into a separate virtual group. You can also associate
NZB files with Newsman Pro and Newsman will import them when
you open the files in Windows Explorer. Newsman Pro can also
monitor a directory of your choosing in order to automatically
import and process incoming NZB files. Lastly, Newsman supports
exporting of headers to an NZB file so you can create your own
files to share with others.

Robust multi-threaded architecture
Downloading, header processing, attachment processing,
Automation, Scheduled Tasks and Trash purge processing all run
in their own threads. Newsman can perform many tasks
simultaneously allowing you to do several things at once.
Headers can be downloaded from multiple newsgroups at the same
time, using all your available connections to your servers.
Newsman Pro supports up to 99 connections per server.

Unique expiration-based download Queue
Our expiration-based Queue helps you to avoid missing articles
that are close to expiring. You can also use 9 priority levels
to order the tasks in any way desired. Each segment of a
multi-part binary is downloaded and stored separately, so you
can stop the Queue and when you restart, Newsman continues
right from where you left off. You'll never have to download
the same parts over again.

Support for server usage limits
If you use a server that limits how much you can download,
you'll love Newsman's ability to track how much you've
downloaded and its ability to to stop downloading when you've
reached your limit and automatically restart at the beginning
of the next period. Newsman supports server limits by the day,
week, or month as well as block accounts.

Automatic binary attachment handling
As binary attachments are downloaded, Newsman will
automatically decode and save them to the folders you
designate. You can specify folders by file type, group or
specify the destination folder when you add the articles to
the Queue. In addition, you can always change the destination
folder at any time while the jobs are in the Queue. Newsman
supports decoding of MIME, UUE and Yenc encoded files AND
handles verification/repair of file sets if the set includes a
Par2 index file. Newsman Pro will also automatically download
any required Par2 recovery volumes as needed. Rar file sets
can also be automatically extracted to make binary processing

Automation Rules
With its sophisticated Automation Rules, Newsman can
automatically process articles that match your selected
criteria whenever new headers are retrieved. Rules can be
defined by subject and/or author using Google-styled word
combinations, or you can use Perl 5 regular expressions to
define your rules. In addition, Rules can be based on Date,
Age, Size, Lines and File Type. Articles can automatically be
scored, marked read, deleted, downloaded and more using this
powerful feature.

Built-in Scheduler
Automatically get new headers while you are sleeping or
working. Newsman can automate many different tasks including:
starting and stopping the Queue, getting new headers, purging
the Trash, adjusting the bandwidth limiter, deleting headers
using user-defined filters, and more.

Virtual newsgroups and Message Grouping
Newsgroup subscriptions are grouped into virtual newsgroups
called Workgroups. For example, you can subscribe to all of
your favorite MP3 newsgroups as one Workgroup named "MP3's"
and browse all of the headers at once. This makes it easy to
quickly find what you are looking for and to keep up with
many high-volume newsgroups at once. You can combine
newsgroups from multiple servers as well. In addition,
articles that are related can be shown grouped into a single
line to reduce the amount of scrolling needed to browse
through thousands of new posts.

Powerful Filtering
With Newsman's user-defined and Quick filters, you can easily
find or hide articles that match your criteria. Filter by
subject, author, size, lines, age, date, score, binary type
and more. You can use Google-style word combinations, literal
search strings as well as Perl 5 regular expressions.

Fast, stable database storage
Newsman supports Advantage Database Server, MySQL and
Microsoft SQL Server. Never lose your header or queue caches

Free technical support and upgrades
We answer every email we receive, usually in less than a day.
In addition, we invite all users to join our discussion
forums to get answers to questions quickly and easily. All
upgrades are free to registered users.

For More Info on NewsMan Pro Visit:
  • NewsMan Pro v2.7.0.9 英文零售版(多線程、多伺服器的新聞閱讀器軟體)

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